Pay Assistant API Documentation

API Reference with endpoints and models

Version: v1

How to access the API?
To work with our API, you must have an approved registered company on Pay Assistant.
If you have such a company, then you need to get an API-token (to get an API token, you need to contact us).
That's all, now you can use our API with the received API-token.

How to use the API?
Authorization type - Bearer Token. You just need to add "Authorization" request header with value "Bearer API_TOKEN"
(where API_TOKEN is the API-token you received from us). The base URL is


PUT /company/settings

Update company settings

Use this endpoint to update your company settings

Request Body:


Required: +

The CompanySetting's attributes:

Name Type Description
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of your company
isAutoAssigned boolean Setting responsible for automatic assignment of tasks
isAutoPaid boolean Setting responsible for automatic payment of tasks


POST /tasks/set-status

Set new status to tasks

Use this endpoint to update status of the tasks

Request Body:


Required: +

The SwitchedTasksStatus's attributes:

Name Type Description
taskIds Array of integer (int64) Array of unique identifiers of tasks
switchedTaskStatus SwitchedTaskStatus Object with switched task status and password


POST /tasks/count-price-with-fee

Count price with fee of tasks

Use this endpoint to count price with fee of the tasks

Request Body:

Array of Task

Required: +

The Task's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name string Name of the task
description string Description of the task
status string (enum) Task status, enum values: new, assigned, in_progress, reviewing, paid, canceled
workTypeId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the task's work type
taskGroupId integer (int64) The unique identifier of the group in which this task is located
endDate string (date-time) Task's deadline
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when task was created
updatedAt string (date-time) Date and time when task was updated
isNda boolean Switcher that shows if NDA was chosen for the task
isIntellectualProperty boolean Switcher that shows if intellectual property was chosen for the task
companyTaskInfo CompanyTaskInfo Object with company task data
freelancerTaskInfo FreelancerTaskInfo Object with freelancer task data
attributeValues Array of AttributeValue List of task's attribute values


POST /task/{id}/set-status

Set new status to task

Use this endpoint to update status of the task with specified ID (parameter in path)


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Task's ID

Request Body:


Required: +

The SwitchedTaskStatus's attributes:

Name Type Description
status string (enum) Task status, enum values: new, assigned, in_progress, reviewing, paid, canceled
password string Your password
type string (enum) Type of freelancer: personal or self_individual (self-employed / individual entrepreneur), enum values: self_individual, personal
selectedFreelancerAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the freelancer that was chosen by freelancer with type = PERSONAL


POST /search/company/{id}/tasks

Search company tasks

Use this endpoint to search company tasks


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID

Request Body:


Required: +

The SearchRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
pagination Pagination Object with pagination data (for get / search entities from DB)
sorts Array of Sort Array of sorting settings
filterGroups Array of array Array of filter groups (the elements satisfying all these filter groups will be returned)


POST /search/company/{id}/invoices

Search company invoices

Use this endpoint to search company invoices


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID

Request Body:


Required: +

The SearchRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
pagination Pagination Object with pagination data (for get / search entities from DB)
sorts Array of Sort Array of sorting settings
filterGroups Array of array Array of filter groups (the elements satisfying all these filter groups will be returned)


POST /search/company/{id}/finance/operation-history

Get company's operation history

Use this endpoint to get operation history of company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your companies.


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID

Request Body:


Required: +

The SearchRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
pagination Pagination Object with pagination data (for get / search entities from DB)
sorts Array of Sort Array of sorting settings
filterGroups Array of array Array of filter groups (the elements satisfying all these filter groups will be returned)


POST /company/{id}/invoice

Create company invoice

Use this endpoint to create new invoice for company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID

Request Body:


Required: +

The CompanyInvoiceRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
amount string Amount of money
currency string (enum) Currency of the amount, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
accountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company's account


POST /company/tasks

Create company tasks

Use this endpoint to create new company tasks

Request Body:


Required: +

The TaskGroup's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks in this group
companyAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company's account
workTypeId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the work type of this task group
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company
files Array of File Array of files


POST /company/invitation/freelancer

Invite freelancer

Use this endpoint to send invitation to freelancer to register in pay-assistant and work with your company

Request Body:


Required: +

The FreelancerInvitation's attributes:

Name Type Description
email string Email address of the freelancer invited by the specified company
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company inviting a new freelancer with the specified email


POST /company/invitation/employee

Invite employee

Use this endpoint to send invitation to employee to register in pay-assistant and work with your company

Request Body:


Required: +

The EmployeeInvitation's attributes:

Name Type Description
email string Email address of the employee invited by the specified company
type string (enum) Type of the employee invited by the specified company, enum values: admin, accountant, manager
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company inviting a new freelancer with the specified email


POST /company/import-tasks

Import company tasks

Use this endpoint to import company tasks

Request Body:


Required: +

The ImportTasks's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks for importing
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company that imports tasks
companyAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the company that imports tasks


POST /company/document/download

Download ACT or VAT INVOICE company document

Use this endpoint to download document of company with specified ID. You can use only the ID of one of your companies

Request Body:


Required: +

The CompanyActRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
companyId integer (int64) ID of your company
year integer (int32) Year of document
month integer (int32) Month of document
documentType string (enum) Type of document, enum values: ACT, REPORT, TASK, VAT_INVOICE
emails Array of string E-mails for sending documents
techCompanyIds Array of integer (int64) IDs of tech companies
requestedSum integer (int64) Requested sum
hasNds boolean Need requested sum with nds
companyDocumentTasksForTechCompanies Array of CompanyDocumentTask Field for TECH companies only, for random task generation


GET /user

Get current user

Use this endpoint to get information about current logged in user


GET /task/{taskId}/files

Get task files

Use this endpoint to get files of task


Name Type In Description
taskId integer (int64) path Task's ID


GET /task/{taskId}/file/{fileId}/download

Download file of task

Use this endpoint to download file of task


Name Type In Description
taskId integer (int64) path Task's ID
fileId integer (int64) path File's ID


GET /exchange-rates

Get exchange rates

Use this endpoint to get the exchange rates


GET /company/{id}/tasks

Get company tasks

Use this endpoint to get tasks of company with specified ID (parameter in path)


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
pageSize integer (int32) query Number of the elements in the page
pageNumber integer (int32) query Number of the page


GET /company/{id}/tasks/status-count

Get count of tasks by statuses

Use this endpoint to get count of tasks by statuses


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
startDate string (date-time) query start date
endDate string (date-time) query end date


GET /company/{id}/settings

Get company settings

Use this endpoint to get your company settings


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID


GET /company/{id}/search/freelancers

Search company freelancers

Use this endpoint to search company freelancers


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
value string query Search value


GET /company/{id}/invoices

Get company invoices

Use this endpoint to get invoices of company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
pageSize integer (int32) query Number of the elements in the page
pageNumber integer (int32) query Number of the page


GET /company/{id}/freelancers

Get company freelancers

Use this endpoint to get freelancers of company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can only use the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
pageSize integer (int32) query Number of the elements in the page
pageNumber integer (int32) query Number of the page


GET /company/{id}/freelancers-quantity

Get company freelancers quantity

Use this endpoint to get quantity of freelancers your company has ever worked with. You have to pass ID of your company as path variable.


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID


GET /company/{id}/finance/operation-history

Get company's operation history

Use this endpoint to get operation history of company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your companies.


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
pageSize integer (int32) query Number of the elements in the page
pageNumber integer (int32) query Number of the page


GET /company/{id}/fee

Get company fee

Use this endpoint to fet fee of company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID


GET /company/{id}/employee/exists-by-email/{email}

Check existence of employee in company

Use this endpoint to check does employee with email from param exists in company with specified ID (parameter in path). You can only use the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID
email string path Employee's email


GET /company/{id}/contract

Get company's contract

Use this endpoint to Get your company's contract by company Id


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path


GET /company/{id}/act-dates

Get dates of ACT / VAT INVOICES of your company

Use this endpoint to get the dates on which the company acts exist. You can use only the ID of one of your companies


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Company's ID


GET /company/invoice/{id}/file/download

Download company invoice file

Use this endpoint to download company invoice with specified ID (parameter in path). You can use only the ID of one of your invoices


Name Type In Description
id integer (int64) path Invoice's ID


GET /companies

Get all your companies

Use this endpoint to get all your companies, which passed onboarding


GET /categories

Get categories of tasks

Use this endpoint to get categories of tasks




Object with data about company settings

The CompanySetting's attributes:

Name Type Description
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of your company
isAutoAssigned boolean Setting responsible for automatic assignment of tasks
isAutoPaid boolean Setting responsible for automatic payment of tasks


Object with switched task status and password

The SwitchedTaskStatus's attributes:

Name Type Description
status string (enum) Task status, enum values: new, assigned, in_progress, reviewing, paid, canceled
password string Your password
type string (enum) Type of freelancer: personal or self_individual (self-employed / individual entrepreneur), enum values: self_individual, personal
selectedFreelancerAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the freelancer that was chosen by freelancer with type = PERSONAL


Object with switched task statuses and password

The SwitchedTasksStatus's attributes:

Name Type Description
taskIds Array of integer (int64) Array of unique identifiers of tasks
switchedTaskStatus SwitchedTaskStatus Object with switched task status and password


Object with address data

The Address's attributes:

Name Type Description
postalCode string Postal / zip code
countryCode CountryCode Object with country code data
city string City name
street string Street name
house string House number


Object with attribute's value data

The AttributeValue's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name string Name of attribute value
attributeType string (enum) Attribute type, enum values: NUMBER, TEXT, EMAIL, DATE
attributeId integer (int64) Attribute table's FK


Object with company task data

The CompanyTaskInfo's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
companyName string Name of the company that assigned the task
companyEmail string Email of the company that assigned the task
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company that assigned the task
companyAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the company that assigned the task
currency string (enum) The currency in which the company assigns the task, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
price string The converted price for the task from price_before_conversion at the rate (sale or purchase) at the time of creation of the task. We always convert to the currency of the company's account
priceWithFee string The converted price for the task from (price_before_conversion + fee) at the rate (sale or purchase) at the time of creating the task. We always convert to the currency of the company's account
fee string The commission for the task in the currency of the company's account at the time of creating the task. Includes the commission that is billed at the company + fix
tax string VAT on the task at the time of creation of the task. For companies from the Russian Federation.


Object with country code data

The CountryCode's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
alpha2 string Alpha2 country code
alpha3 string Alpha3 country code
iso string ISO 3166-1 numeric (or numeric-3) country code
flag string PNG image with flag
name TextInDifferentLanguagesDto Object with text data in different languages


Object with freelancer account data

The FreelancerAccountInfo's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
currency string (enum) Currency of this account, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs


Object with freelancer task data

The FreelancerTaskInfo's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
userDetail UserDetail Object with data about user's details
type string (enum) Type of freelancer: personal or self_individual (self-employed / individual entrepreneur), enum values: self_individual, personal
invitationMailStatus string (enum) Status of the invitation sent to the freelancer's email, enum values: dispatching, delivered, sent, error
freelancerAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the freelancer that accepted the task
currency string (enum) The currency of the freelancer that works with the task. The freelancer will receive money in this currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
amount string Price in freelancer task's currency. The amount that will be credited to the freelancer's account
availableFreelancerAccounts Array of FreelancerAccountInfo Set of available accounts of the freelancer that should accept the task. Freelancer must choose on of these accounts before before accepting the task


Object with task data

The Task's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name string Name of the task
description string Description of the task
status string (enum) Task status, enum values: new, assigned, in_progress, reviewing, paid, canceled
workTypeId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the task's work type
taskGroupId integer (int64) The unique identifier of the group in which this task is located
endDate string (date-time) Task's deadline
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when task was created
updatedAt string (date-time) Date and time when task was updated
isNda boolean Switcher that shows if NDA was chosen for the task
isIntellectualProperty boolean Switcher that shows if intellectual property was chosen for the task
companyTaskInfo CompanyTaskInfo Object with company task data
freelancerTaskInfo FreelancerTaskInfo Object with freelancer task data
attributeValues Array of AttributeValue List of task's attribute values


Object with text data in different languages

The TextInDifferentLanguagesDto's attributes:

Name Type Description
ru string Text in Russian language
en string Text in English language
lt string Text in Lithuania language
uz string Text in Uzbek language


Object with data about user's details

The UserDetail's attributes:

Name Type Description
email string User's email
firstName string User's first name
lastName string User's last name
patronymic string User's patronymic
dateOfBirth string (date) User's date of birth
address Address Object with address data
systemStatus string (enum) System status of this user, enum values: invited, registered, new


Object with data about count tasks pricing, calculated price with fee and total

The TasksCountPriceWithFeeObject's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks with calculated price with fee
totalPriceWithFee string Total price with fee of the tasks
totalFee string Total fee of the tasks
totalTax string Total tax of the tasks


Object with filter data (for get / search data from DB)

The Filter's attributes:

Name Type Description
field string Field name of the model
operator string (enum) Operator for filtering models by specified field, enum values: like, not_like, equal, not_equal, greater, greater_or_equal, less, less_or_equal
value string Value for filtering models by specified field


Object with pagination data (for get / search entities from DB)

The Pagination's attributes:

Name Type Description
pageSize integer (int32) Number of the elements in the page
pageNumber integer (int32) Number of the page


Object with pagination + sort + filters

The SearchRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
pagination Pagination Object with pagination data (for get / search entities from DB)
sorts Array of Sort Array of sorting settings
filterGroups Array of array Array of filter groups (the elements satisfying all these filter groups will be returned)


Object with sort data (for get / search entities from DB)

The Sort's attributes:

Name Type Description
field string The field of the model that should be sorted
order string (enum) Sort order by specified field, enum values: asc, desc


Object with page of tasks for search end - point

The PageOfTasks's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks
totalPages integer (int32) Total number of pages
pageNumber integer (int32) Number of this page


Object with account data

The Account's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
balance string Balance value of this account
hold string Hold value of this account
nds string VAT (value-added tax) value of this account
entryTime string (date-time) Entry date and time in this account
currency string (enum) Currency of this account, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs


Bank details for all companies in the system, including operators

The BankDetailDto's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
currency string (enum) Currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
bankAccountType string (enum) Type of the company's bank account, enum values: bik, swift, routing_number
bic string BIC value of this company
accountNumber string Account number of the company
swift string SWIFT value of this company
iban string IBAN value of this company
routingNumber string Routing number of the company
routingAccountNumber string Routing account number of the company
bankName string Company's bank name
correspondentAccount string Company's correspondent account
companyId integer (int64) ID of the company that owns


Object with company data

The Company's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name string Company name
taxId string Unique identifier of the tax
country CountryCode Object with country code data
canHaveActs boolean Can have acts OR cannot have acts
status string (enum) Company status, enum values: wait_for_approval, approved, disabled
ogrn string OGRN value of this company
kpp string KPP value of this company
director string Full name of the company's director
postAddress string Company post address
legalAddress string Company legal address
vat string VAT value of this company
taxStatus string (enum) Company tax status, enum values: osno, usn
account Account Object with account data
contractorCompanyNds string VAT (value-added tax) value of contractor company
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when the company was created in our DB
occupation Occupation Object with occupation data
user User Object with user data
type string (enum) Type of company, for API users type always equals to CLIENT, enum values: CLIENT, OPERATOR, TECH
bankDetails Array of BankDetailDto Bank details for company


Object with data about file

The File's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name string File's name
payload string File's data
size string File's size


Object with invoice data

The Invoice's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company
company Company Object with company data
accountId integer (int64) Company's account
amount string Amount of money
amountWithNds string Amount of money with NDS
ndsAmount string Amount of NDS
currency string (enum) Currency of the amount, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
status string (enum) Invoice status, enum values: waiting_for_payment, transferring, paid, canceled, rejected
file File Object with data about file
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when invoice was created
updatedAt string (date-time) Date and time when invoice was confirmed


Object with occupation data

The Occupation's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
ru string Text in Russian language
en string Text in English language


Object with page of company invoices

The PageOfInvoices's attributes:

Name Type Description
invoices Array of Invoice Array of invoices
totalPages integer (int32) Total number of pages
pageNumber integer (int32) Number of this page


Object with user data

The User's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
firstName string User's first name
lastName string User's last name
phone string User's phone
email string User's email
password string User's password
country string User's country
role string (enum) User's role, enum values: company, freelancer, employee
reCaptchaResponse string Response from reCAPTCHA
authorities Array of string User's authorities


Object with data about company operation history

The CompanyOperationHistory's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
accountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company
amount string Amount of money
currency string (enum) Currency of the amount, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
type string (enum) Type of company operation, enum values: replenishment, deduction, debit
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when it was created


Object with page of payments for pagination end - point

The PageOfCompanyOperationHistory's attributes:

Name Type Description
operationHistory Array of CompanyOperationHistory Array of companyOperationHistory objects
totalPages integer (int32) Total number of pages
pageNumber integer (int32) Number of this page


Object with data about request for company invoice

The CompanyInvoiceRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
amount string Amount of money
currency string (enum) Currency of the amount, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
accountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company's account


Object with data about task group

The TaskGroup's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks in this group
companyAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company's account
workTypeId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the work type of this task group
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company
files Array of File Array of files


Object with freelancer invitation data

The FreelancerInvitation's attributes:

Name Type Description
email string Email address of the freelancer invited by the specified company
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company inviting a new freelancer with the specified email


Object with employee invitation data

The EmployeeInvitation's attributes:

Name Type Description
email string Email address of the employee invited by the specified company
type string (enum) Type of the employee invited by the specified company, enum values: admin, accountant, manager
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company inviting a new freelancer with the specified email


Object with data about switched status tasks

The ImportTasks's attributes:

Name Type Description
tasks Array of Task Array of tasks for importing
companyId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the company that imports tasks
companyAccountId integer (int64) Unique identifier of the account of the company that imports tasks


Object with data for requesting ACT / VAT INVOICE pdf file

The CompanyActRequest's attributes:

Name Type Description
companyId integer (int64) ID of your company
year integer (int32) Year of document
month integer (int32) Month of document
documentType string (enum) Type of document, enum values: ACT, REPORT, TASK, VAT_INVOICE
emails Array of string E-mails for sending documents
techCompanyIds Array of integer (int64) IDs of tech companies
requestedSum integer (int64) Requested sum
hasNds boolean Need requested sum with nds
companyDocumentTasksForTechCompanies Array of CompanyDocumentTask Field for TECH companies only, for random task generation


Field for TECH companies only, for random task generation

The CompanyDocumentTask's attributes:

Name Type Description
taskNumber integer (int32)
uniqueTaskNumber integer (int64)
workTypeName string
hasCopyrightTransfer string
subcontractorId integer (int64)
workPerformedAt string
fileNames string
priceWithFeeAndNds string
nds string


Object with data about task group's file

The TaskGroupFile's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
file File Object with data about file
userRole string (enum) Role of the user, enum values: company, freelancer, employee
canRemove boolean Parameter showing whether a user can delete a task group file
creatorEmail string Email of the user that created task group file
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when task group file was created


Object with exchange cources data

The ExchangeCourses's attributes:

Name Type Description
exchangeRateClientRepresentations Array of ExchangeRateClientRepresentation Array of exchangeRateClientRepresentations
exchangeRates Array of ExchangeRate Array of exchangeRates


Object with exchange rate data

The ExchangeRate's attributes:

Name Type Description
fromCurrency string (enum) From this currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
toCurrency string (enum) To this currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
rate string Rate value
type string (enum) Type of the exchange rate, enum values: sale, purchase, market


Object with exchange rate data for client representation

The ExchangeRateClientRepresentation's attributes:

Name Type Description
currency1 string (enum) First currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
currency2 string (enum) Second currency, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
rate string Rate value
type string (enum) Type of the exchange rate, enum values: sale, purchase, market
exchangeRateMargin ExchangeRateMarginDto Exchange rate margin


Exchange rate margin

The ExchangeRateMarginDto's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64)
margin number


Object with data about count tasks by status

The CountTaskByStatus's attributes:

Name Type Description
status string (enum) Status of the tasks, enum values: new, assigned, in_progress, reviewing, paid, canceled
count integer (int64) Count of the tasks


Count tasks

The TaskStatusCount's attributes:

Name Type Description
count integer (int64) Total count of the tasks
tasks Array of CountTaskByStatus Array of CountTaskByStatus objects with task statuses and count of tasks with these statues


Object with data about company's freelancer

The CompanyFreelancer's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
firstName string Freelancer's first name
lastName string Freelancer's last name
email string Freelancer's email
createdAt string (date-time) Date and time when company freelancer log was created


Object with page of companyFreelancers for pagination end - point

The PageOfCompanyFreelancers's attributes:

Name Type Description
companyFreelancers Array of CompanyFreelancer Array of freelancers of the company
totalPages integer (int32) Total number of pages
pageNumber integer (int32) Number of this page


Object with company fee data

The CompanyFee's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
personalPercent string Fee percent for paying to personal freelancers
selfIndividualPercent string Fee percent for paying to self-employed or individual entrepreneur freelancers
currency string (enum) Currency of the fee, enum values: usd, eur, rub, uah, usdt, uzs
minValue integer (int32) Minimum value for paying to freelancers
fix string Fix value


Object with contract data

The Contract's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
number string company contract number
signingDate string (date-time) Date and time when contract was signed
terminationDate string (date-time) Date and time when contract was terminated
file File Object with data about file
operator OperatorDto Contract operator with with client company must be sign the contract
clientId integer (int64) Client company id
bankDetail BankDetailDto Bank details for all companies in the system, including operators
status string (enum) Status of the contact, enum values: IN_PROGRESS, TERMINATED, SIGNED
type string (enum) Type of the contract, enum values: SAAS, GENERAL_CONTRACT


Contract operator with with client company must be sign the contract

The OperatorDto's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
company Company Object with company data


Object with attribute data

The Attribute's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
type string (enum) Attribute type, enum values: NUMBER, TEXT, EMAIL, DATE
name TextInDifferentLanguagesDto Object with text data in different languages


Object with categories and works by category

The Category's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name TextInDifferentLanguagesDto Object with text data in different languages
workTypes Array of WorkType Array of works types in this category


Object with data about work type

The WorkType's attributes:

Name Type Description
id integer (int64) Unique identifier
name TextInDifferentLanguagesDto Object with text data in different languages
attributes Array of Attribute Attributes for work type